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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo

Área do conteúdo


Thesis N° 1

AUTHOR: Aldênia Mendes Mascena

DATE: 22nd December 2014

TITLE: Diagnosis of the occurrence of symbiotic microorganisms in areas undergoing desertification in the municipality of Irauçuba – CE

ADVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho


Thesis N° 2

AUTHOR: Bruna de Freitas Iwata

DATE: 16th April 2015

TITLE: Addition of organic residues in an Argisol under Agroforestry System in the Semi-arid region of Ceará

ADVISOR: Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa


Thesis N° 3

AUTHOR: Antônia Gislaine Brito Marques Albuquerque

DATE: 22nd May 2015

TITLE: Pedogenesis and evolution of Apicum soils in a semi-arid tropical climate

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis N° 4

AUTHOR: David Correia dos Anjos

DATE: 30th July 2015

TITLE: Microbial diversity and heavy metal content in waters and soils along the Curu River

ADVISOR: Prof. Fernando Felipe Ferreyra Hernandez


Thesis N° 5

AUTHOR: Ana Leônia de Araújo Girão

DATE: 11th September 2015

TITLE: Pedogenesis and spatial distribution of soils with a cohesive horizon in the Barreiras Formation

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis N° 6

AUTHOR: José Thales Pantaleão Ferreira

DATE: 29th September 2015

TITLE: Development of Planossols in different geoenvironmental conditions and the effect of fallow in areas under desertification process

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis N° 7

AUTHOR: Francisca Edineide Lima Barbosa

DATE: 24th February 2016

TITLE: Soil quality and production of prata anã banana associated with cover crops and different irrigation levels

ADVISOR: Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda


Thesis N° 8

AUTHOR: José de Souza Oliveira Filho

DATE: 24th February 2016

TITLE: Biogas production and nutrient recovery from the biodegradation of swine waste

ADVISOR: Prof. Thales Vinícius de Araújo Viana


Thesis Nº 9

AUTHOR: José Maria Tupinambá da Silva Júnior

DATE: 26th February 2016

TITLE: Pattern of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in acerola, corn and bean plants

ADVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho


Thesis Nº 10

AUTHOR: Alcione Guimarães Freire

DATE: 15th July 2016

TITLE: Estimation of hydraulic parameters of the soil using tensiometry with some reading systems

ADVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota


Thesis Nº 11

AUTHOR: Daniel Barbosa Arújo

DATE: 19th July 2016

TITLE: Use of alternative substrates in the production of tagetes patula in pots

ADVISOR: Prof. Fernando Felipe Ferreyra Hernandez


Thesis Nº 12

AUTHOR: Wesley Rocha Barbosa

DATE: 22nd July 2016

TITLE: Socio-pedological analysis in an area susceptible to desertification in northeastern Brasil

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis Nº 13

AUTHOR: Roberto Albuquerque Pontes Filho

DATE: 27th September 2016

TITLE: Recovery of degraded areas in the semiarid with tamboril using different management techniques

ADVISOR: Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa


Thesis Nº 14

AUTHOR: Arilene Franklin Chaves

DATE: 24th March 2017

TITLE: Validation of an alternative laboratory method to estimating field capacity in situ

ADVISOR: Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior


Thesis Nº 15

AUTHOR: Isabel Cristina da Silva Araújo

DATE: 30th March 2017

TITLE: Soil loss and supply of nutrients and metals in a Brazilian semi-arid reservoir

ADVISOR: Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa


Thesis Nº 16

AUTHOR: Jordânia Maria Gabriel Pereira

DATE: 27th June 2017

TITLE: Cotton response to deficit and excessive irrigation with waters of different salinities

ADVISOR: Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda


Thesis Nº 17

AUTHOR: Priscilla Alves da Costa

DATE: 24th July 2017

TITLE: Physical quality of soil subjected to fallow practice in an area under desertification process

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis Nº 18

AUTHOR: Cleyton Saialy Medeiros Cunha

DATE: 30th August 2017

TITLE: Soil and water chemistry around the uranium and phosphate mining area in Itatiaia – CE

ADVISOR: Profª. Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar


Thesis Nº 19

AUTHOR: Thiago Leite de Alencar

DATE: 22nd September 2017

TITLE: A theoretical-methodological approach to field capacity

ADVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota


Thesis Nº 20

AUTHOR: José Jeremias Fernandes de Oliveira

DATE: 25th October 2017

TITLE: Urochloa decumbens and Stylosanthes capitata in simultaneous cultivation under levels of nitrogen and phosphate fertilization and inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

ADVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho


Thesis Nº 21

AUTHOR: Izabel Maria Almeida Lima

DATE: 27th November 2017

TITLE: Nitrogen sources and doses in banana cultivation in semiarid region

ADVISOR: Prof. Boanerges Freire de Aquino


Thesis Nº 22

AUTHOR: Regis dos Santos Braz

DATE: 23rd March 2018

TITLE: Effects of nitrogen fertilization on corn under saline stress in two soils

ADVISOR: Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda


Thesis Nº 23

AUTHOR: Denise de Castro Lima

DATE: 26th July 2018

TITLE: Growth and nutrient accumulation of red and tasty Pitaias

ADVISOR: Prof. William Natale


Thesis Nº 24

AUTHOR: Carlos Levi Anastacio dos Santos

DATE: 31st August 2018

TITLE: Association between field capacity “in situ” and the inflection point of the soil water retention curve

ADVISOR: Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior


Thesis Nº 25

AUTHOR: Márcio Godofrêdo Rocha Lobato

DATE: 22nd November 2018

TITLE: Estimation of field capacity in soils by static and dynamic criteria

ADVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota


Thesis Nº 26

AUTHOR: Nayara Rochelli de Sousa Luna

DATE: 28th March 2019

TITLE: Application of seaweed extract in a sunflower production system irrigated with saline water

ADVISOR: Prof. Francisco Marcus Lima Bezerra


Thesis Nº 27

AUTHOR: Cillas Pollicarto da Silva

DATE: 11th April 2019

TITLE: Genesis of cohesive character: relationship of tensile strength with physical and chemical attributes of the soil

ADVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Cláudio Anunciato Mota


Thesis Nº 28

AUTHOR: Eliezer de Araújo Guilherme

DATE: 30th April 2019

TITLE: Nitrogen use efficiency, photosynthesis and photorespiration in cotton plants exposed to excess energy and N-deprivation

ADVISOR: Prof. Joaquim Albenisio Gomes da Silveira


Thesis Nº 29

AUTHOR: Juliana Matos Vieira

DATE: 21st June 2019

TITLE: Pedogenesis of horizons with a cohesive character: physical processes and chemical agents involved in cohesion

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis Nº 30

AUTHOR: Kaio Gráculo Vieira Garcia

DATE: 30th July 2019

TITLE: Potential of legumes colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizae for revegetation of manganese mining areas

ADVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho


Thesis Nº 31

AUTHOR: Edilaine da Silva Marques

DATE: 31st July 2019

TITLE: Cohesive soils: limitations of water-free porous space in the vegetative development of corn

ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero


Thesis Nº 32

AUTHOR: Francisca Gleiciane da Silva

DATE: 12th August 2019

TITLE: Impact of variation of porous soil space with air on the development of corn plants

ADVISOR: Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior


Thesis Nº 33

AUTHOR: Gustavo Henrique da Silva Albuquerque

DATE: 31st October 2019

TITLE: Acrylamide and acrylate hydrogel for recovery strategies of an Argisol in degradation process

ADVISOR: Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa


Thesis Nº 34

AUTHOR: Eurileny Lucas de Almeida

DATE: 28th February 2020

TITLE: Hyperspectral remote sensing in the granulometry estimation of superficial soil horizons

ADVISOR: Prof. Adunias dos Santos Teixeira


Thesis Nº 35

AUTHOR: Carla Danielle Vasconcelos do Nascimento

DATE: 25th August 2020

TITLE: Hydrogels for application in soils under abiotic stresses of drylands

ADVISOR: Prof.ª Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa


Thesis Nº 36
AUTHOR: Josimar de Azevedo
DATE: 08th October 2020
TITLE: Growth, gas exchange and productivity of Abobrinha fertilized with organic fertilizers in two soils
ADVISOR: Prof. Thales Vinicius de Araújo Viana
Thesis Nº 37
AUTHOR: Vanessa Ohana Gomes Moreira
DATE: 19th April 2021
TITLE: Apllication of poly (acrylamide-co-acrylate) hydrogel in the remediation of soil degraded by sodium
ADVISOR: Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior
Thesis Nº 38
AUTHOR: Wiliana Júlia Ferreira de Medeiros
DATE: 28th June 2021
TITLE: Impacts of soil factors and competition with Cryptostegia madagascariensis on the ecophysiological responses of young and adult Copernicia prunifera plants
ADVISOR: Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda
Thesis Nº 39
AUTHOR: José Wilson Gomes dos Santos
DATE: 27th July 2021
TITLE: Impactos da salinidade e da luminosidade no crescimento, fisiologia e qualidade visual de Euphorbia milii e Zamioculcas Zamiifolia
ADVISOR: Prof. Claudivan Feitosa de Lacerda
Thesis Nº 40
AUTHOR: Francisco Jardelson Ferreira
DATE: 29th July 2021
TITLE: Soils of a toposequence without mangrove ecosystem influenced by shrimp farming
ADVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero

Thesis Nº 41 
AUTHOR: Lucas de Sousa Oliveira
DATE: October 28, 2021
TITLE: Resistência tênsil: proposta e validação de instrumento portátil para valorar consistência em solo seco
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Claudio Anunciato Mota

Thesis № 42 
AUTHOR: Emanuela Barbosa Santos
DATE: November 24, 2021
TITLE: Comportamento físico e hídrico de solos em interação com carvão vegetal
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Raimundo Nonato de Assis Júnior

Thesis № 43 
AUTHOR: José Israel Pinheiro
DATE: December 9, 2021
TITLE: Espectrometria de reflectância e sequenciamento molecular do gene 16S rRNA no estudo da crosta biológica do solo no Bioma Caatinga
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho

Thesis № 44
AUTHOR: Luis Felipe Rodrigues de Aquino Sousa
DATE: August 30, 2022
TITLE: “Abordagens mineralógicas e químicas no comportamento de metais pesados em solos de áreas nativas e agrícolas no Nordeste Brasileiro”
SUPERVISOR: Prof.ª Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar

Thesis № 45
AUTHOR: Thiago Costa dos Santos
DATE: January 23, 2023
TITLE: “Avaliação de modelos paramétricos e não paramétricos em estimativa de índice de susceptibilidade a Desertificação”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Raul Shiso Toma

Thesis № 46
AUTHOR: Rafaela Batista Magalhães
DATE: January 24, 2023
TITLE: “Leguminosas arbóreo-arbustivas como fonte de nutrientes em plantio de coqueiro”
SUPERVISOR: Prof.ª Mírian Cristina Gomes Costa

Thesis № 47
AUTHOR: Arlene Santisteban Campos
DATE: April 19, 2023
TITLE: “Microbioma do solo associado ao cajueiro (Anarcadium Occidentale L.): composição, diversidade e funções”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Paulo Furtado Mendes Filho

Thesis № 48
AUTHOR: Angélica da Silva Lopes
DATE: June 29, 2023
TITLE: “Limiar da resistência tênsil para o diagnóstico do caráter coeso em solo seco: percepção de avaliadores e efeito da granulometria”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Jaedson Claudio Anunciato Mota

Thesis № 49
AUTHOR: Ícaro Vasconcelos do Nascimento
DATE: November 28, 2023
TITLE: “Biochar como condicionador da qualidade física de solo com caráter coeso”
SUPERVISOR: Jaedson Claudio Anunciato Mota

Thesis№ 50
AUTHOR: Mateus Guimarães da Silva
DATE: December 15, 2023
TITLE: “Potencial do uso de resíduos da Agave sisalana na Biossorção de metais pesados no solo”
SUPERVISOR: Profa. Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar

Thesis № 51
AUTHOR: Luan Alves Lima
DATE: January 25, 2024
TITLE: “Potencialidades de polímeros hidroretentores para a agricultura sob estresse salino”
SUPERVISOR: Profa. Mirian Cristina Gomes Costa

Thesis № 52
AUTHOR: Kelliane da Rocha Mendes
DATE: April 18, 2024
TITLE: “Salt stress is regulated by interaction with heat and spatiotemporal changes in rice plants”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Joaquim Albenísio Gomes da Silveira

Thesis № 53
AUTHOR: Francisco Gilcivan Moreira Silva
DATE: August 28, 2024
TITLE: “Pedogênese de Planossolos em áreas do núcleo de desertificação de Irauçuba”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Ricardo Espíndola Romero

Thesis № 54
AUTHOR: Thais da Silva Martins
DATE: August 29, 2024
TITLE: “Agrotóxicos no solo: implicações nos aspectos químicos, biológicos e ecológicos”
SUPERVISOR: Prof. Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar

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