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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo

Área do conteúdo

Selection Process 2015.2

Published at: June 7, 2021 Category: Selection

Notice No. 2/2015: Registration request for the selection process for the Graduate Program in Agronomy – Soil and Plant Nutrition 2015.2

Selection Committee

Final Result of the Knowledge Test (Master Degree)

Final Result Curriculum Vitae (Master Degree)

Final Result Academic Record (Master Degree)

Final Result (Master Degree)

Final Result of the Knowledge Test (Doctor Degree)

Final Result Curriculum Vitae (Doctor Degree)

Final Result Academic Record (Doctor Degree)

Final Result (Doctor Degree)


Notice No. 03/2015: Registration request for the selection process for the Graduate Programa in Agronomy – Soil and Plant Nutrition 2015.2

Addendum to the Notice No. 03/2015

Selection Committee

Final Result


Notice No. 04/2015: Registration request for the selection process for the Graduate Program in Agronomy – Soil and Plant Nutrition/Class 2015.2

Addendum to the Notice No. 04/2015

Selection Committee

Final Result (Master Degree)

Final Result (Doctor Degree)

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